Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Is atheism a religion?

There was a discussion today as to whether or not atheism was a religion.  In 2005, a Wisconsin court ruled that atheism was a religion and an inmate was denied his First Amendment rights to start an atheist group in prison (they came upon this ruling by changing the definition of religion by taking the theistic terms out, lame!).  To me, it isn't, so I took it upon myself to look up some dictionary definitions.  Yes, I am a's ok, I've come to terms with that already.  Atheism is defined as the theory or belief that God does not exist.  Plain and simple, to the point. No messin' around with this definition.  Hey,wait a gosh darn minute, that means Buddhism is a form of atheism, interesting.  So, now lets define religion.  This is where it gets tricky.  The definition of religion is: 1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, esp. a personal God or gods.  Well, by this definition atheism is not a religion, but neither would Buddhism be one.  The other definition for religion is: 2. a particular system of faith and worship.  Okay, now Buddhism fits as a religion, but I still don't see atheism fitting in here since atheists do not worship.  I also find it interesting that atheism is defined as a theory, yet religion, Christianity, or Buddhism are not labeled as theories, since the definition of faith is a strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than PROOF.  Anyway, so the I get to thinking, well, maybe atheism is a belief rather than a religion.  Get that dictionary back here!  Belief: 1. an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists. (actually atheists believe that something doesn't exist),  or 2. something one accepts as true or real; a firmly held opinion or conviction (By the way, the definition of conviction is a firmly held belief or goes in circles).  Okay, so atheism may be a belief.  Finally, some headway.  After all of my dictionary learning (and some ibuprofen), my conclusion is that atheism is NOT a religion, contrary to what the Wisconsin court system has ruled.  It is either a belief, opinion, or conviction.  Once I figure out which of these three it is, I will let you know.

Monday, August 22, 2011


It would seem strange that I would want to change my major to communications since I have always had a fear of writing.  I have always seemed to defeat myself before I even began to write something. It's not because I have an inability to express myself, just have a conversation with me and you will find out that I actually have a difficult time holding back, but it has more to do with a lack of confidence in my writing.  I know what I want to say, but have a hard time putting the words together into a cohesive body of work.  So why, do you ask, would I want to switch to communications? Well, I will tell you. Since starting back to school, I have learned so much about myself, and have learned that writing isn't so's actually enjoyable. Look! I'm writing right now! And I like it! Expressing myself through my ideas and views is actually a positive and rewarding experience that I would like to continue.  And, hey, if I can make some dough along the way, all the better.
So here's to the written (or typed) word!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thyroid: The sequel

I had my thyroid ultrasound and they discovered that I had some "cysts" in there.  I use parenthesis because doctors are never sure of what anything is.  They sent me for a Fine-Needle-Aspiration-Biopsy.  Apparently the doctors can find out more if they stab my neck repeatedly with needles.  The doctor told me the outcome will be either benign, malignant, or inconclusive.  It came out none of these.  It came back as "suspicious."  What the hell does that mean, you ask.  It means they don't freakin' know.  There is a possibility that it is cancerous, but they are not sure.  What a surprise!  It is recommended that I have my thyroid removed.  But it gets better.  I get to go have another biopsy done, yay!  Obviously they have it in their heads that I love having my neck punctured.  This biopsy will be on the other side of my thyroid and will help to determine if I will get half or the entire thyroid removed.  I can save them the time.  Just take the whole damned thing out.  I think that doctors secretly, or not so secretly, like to make patients feel as uncomfortable as possible.  So, next Friday I , again, get to feel the joy of eight needles being pushed into my neck and jiggled around.  Then, I get to play the waiting game again.

Friday, July 29, 2011


In my quest to better my health and mind, I decided to try yoga today.  I am nowhere near bold enough to try this in front of strangers (I can not imagine that my enormous toosh in the air will help others stay focused and balanced anyhow), so I tried it in my living room where only my children could make fun of me.  They did.  To anyone that says that yoga is not a workout; my thighs, calves, and sweat drenched yoga clothes will tell you otherwise.  I may not have been pumping iron or running for miles, but holding a downward dog for over thirty seconds can make your muscles twitch.  The poses themselves are in no way easy for a woman of my "stature," and holding them for any length of time can create gravitational disasters a-plenty.  Even after a few tumbles and some obscenities directed toward the thin, balanced woman speaking calmly on the TV screen, I feel as if I have accomplished something great.  I have a very long way to go before I will be rolling out my yoga mat in front of anyone else, but I am sure that this is a step in a direction that will help me inside and out, unless I get stuck in a pretzel-like position and have to call for help.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


So, I haven't been to the doctor since being a teenager because of anxiety that I will be told bad news.  I finally took the leap and went to the doctor's a few weeks ago because of my depression, anxiety, and overall yucky-ness.  She ordered blood tests and low and behold, I have a thyroid disorder.  I have what is called Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, which is an auto-immune disorder that attacks the thyroid.  This condition can cause the depression and anxiety symptoms that I have been experiencing as well as the weight gain and inability to lose weight.  She prescribed Levothyroxine, which is a synthetic thyroid hormone and I will be on it for the rest of my life.  She also sent me to have an ultrasound done on my thyroid which showed that I have cysts in my thyroid.  So, on Tuesday I will be going to get a Fine Needle Aspiration biopsy done.  Although I am not anxious about the procedure itself, I am not really excited about having a needle stuck into my neck.  I am more anxious about the result and what will come after.  My mother had to have her thyroid removed, and I am pretty nervous about having to have surgery.  I shall see what the outcome will be...